Thank you to our Scholarship Donors

john ormonde

June 10, 2024

Eric Busse

June 5, 2024

Why have a scholarship program?

Information Security is a constantly changing and evolving field. One of the best ways for us as a community to support those up-and-coming into our industry is to enable students to attend Information Security conferences for their learning and networking opportunities.

The first week of August in Las Vegas has multiple information security conferences all in one place, maximizing the opportunities to learn; The Diana Initiative, BlackHat, BSidesLV, Def Con, SquadCon by Black Girls Hack).

How this benefits students

Our goal is to raise at least $1,000 per student for 10 students. This should help defray the costs that a student needs to cover travel, lodging and meals while attending The Diana Initiative and Black Hat, potentially other hacker summer camp activities. We understand that depending on where they are traveling from and how long they are staying that this may not cover all their expenses. If we beat our goal we would love to increase the amount we award each student so that they get to experience Black Hat, The Diana Initiative, learn to solder, career village, connect with mentors in the InfoSec community, take part in a Capture the Flag competition, and possibly find their niche in this field without hurting their budget. When they get home they will have access to TCM Security Academy to continue learning.

Scholarships include

Ten Scholarship awardees will get:

  1. One (1) entry badge for The Diana Initiative 2024
  2. One (1) pass for [Black Hat USA 2024]
  3. One (1) pass for [DEF CON]
  4. One (1) pass for [SquadCon] by [BlackGirlsHack]
  5. Check for $1,000USD
  6. A [TCM Academy] certificate
  7. We are hoping to announce additional benefits soon!

Two Scholarship awardees will, by raffle, be awarded a scholarship to take the SANS SEC275: Foundations course and pursue the GFACT certification thanks to SANS.

Depending on the amount raised and your personal circumstances scholarships MAY NOT cover all travel costs to/from Las Vegas, NV; lodging, meals, transportation; or any additional funds or benefits.

How you can help

We are collecting donations to our scholarship fund, all money collected will go toward monetary stipends for selected awardees. We are also looking for non-monetary donations such as event passes for that week (BSidesLV, DEF CON, etc.) and other things they will need (travel, food, lodgings).
Individuals can contribute directly below.
For corporate donors we are seeking at least 1,000$ and in exchange a logo (and link) that will show on the Diana Initiative scholarship web page, Diana Initiative homepage, and Diana Initiative sub-page website sidebar. Sponsors will also be recognized (thanked) on our social media, and are eligible to share job openings with our members (discord and newsletter). Finally they will receive 1 ticket to our event.
We of course would love any corporate donor who could do more than the minimum as that allows us to get closer to our goal of sending 10 students to Hacker Summer Camp.
The scholarship add-on can be done in addition to any standard sponsorship (such as Coffee) or alone. If done with a event sponsorship that would unlock event sponsor opportunities such as Logo at Registration, Logo at coffee stations, additional tickets and the ability to put swag in our attendee bags.

You can read out 2024 event sponsorship prospectus for the Diana Initiative 2024 Conference [here]!

Questions regarding our Event Sponsorship or Corporate Donations can be directed to [].

Donations for 2024 Student Scholarships will close at the end of June so that students have enough time to book travel.

Donations made through our site are tax-deductible, less the retail cost of any gift you may receive.

Scholarship Application Details

Applications are now closed

Scholarships are available to all students, regardless of race, gender, orientation, nationality, residence, or current education program.

In order to qualify for a Student Scholarship to The Diana Initiative, applicants must be a student (high school, college, university, or certificate program) with an interest in Information Security and be 18 years old or older.

Questions regarding our Student Scholarships can be directed to [].

You can view (or share) our [Scholarship Presentation] and our Event Sponsorship presentation [below]